[Vtigercrm-developers] PDF Maker Help

Prabath Jayathilaka jayathilaka at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 05:35:08 GMT 2014

I have added new field called "Type" under item details in Quotes and Sales
Order. Also I have created "type" field in vtiger_inventoryproductrel table
to save that value.
Recently we bought pdf maker and I need to show "type" in pdf.
I have done modification in "RelatedBlock.php" and "PdfMaker.php" files.So
now the "type" value is showing under "Common fields for Product and
Services" dropdown. But when I generate pdf the the real value is not
coming. what changes should I do to get the value out?

Best Regards

K.M.D.P. Jayathilaka |Senior Software Engineer
Mobile: [+94] 714436981 | [+94]770797156
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