[Vtigercrm-developers] Help in vtiger

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 12:56:39 GMT 2014

On 20/02/14 21:15, derushi at ibest.com.br wrote:
> Good afternoon, I have a problem and would like some help, so here I am
> asking for a help from you.
> I have an intranet site using wordpress-3.8.1 server and Vtiger5.4
> within it I have a pluguin wp-tiger.3.1.0 to connect the database

1. Is your vtiger admin Username really called "root"? (This is *not* 
the MySQL username - this should be a valid vtiger user)
2. Have you entered the vtiger user's "AccessKey" rather than their 


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