[Vtigercrm-developers] LBL_MANDATORY_FIELD_MISSING

Daniel Thompson developingdanny at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 11:27:34 GMT 2014

Hey All,

I manage to work this out.

I've found some worrying instances of code not being reused.

For example
1) vtiger_entityname, I had a misspelling but it still managed to save and
create/edit but detail view did not work.
2) Class.php -> has a function within this function class{} which gathers
all the fields and populates $this->column_fields I have a spelling mistake
but the edit/create view worked but the save entity said I had no fields to

I'm just interested to know how come the code for these is not being
controlled by one public function?



On 17 February 2014 10:57, Daniel Thompson <developingdanny at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Anyone come across this before.
> All mandatory fields are filled in but when saving I get this message
> Any advice would be appreciated as I cannot find anything on the forums.
> Regards,
> Danny
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