[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtlib

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 08:08:14 GMT 2014

On 10/02/14 03:56, Prasad wrote:
> Certainly good idea but if every module brings in a new <parent> (menu
> group) it can lead to
> usability issue. Linking to pre-defined set of menu-groups can help user
> reach to the module
> based on its primary intent (like... domain - support, sales, marketing,
> tools...)
> Any suggestions?

Don't support it as a single module install in the manifest, but perhaps 
when it's a package?), but allow it via the vtlib API scripts.

It's something we find ourselves doing on a few occasions where we've 
built a bunch new modules that work best on their own menu tree. We've 
resorted to doing it by hand (as you need to modify the language files 
in 5.4.0 to make it work)...

Obviously you'll need to check for dupes ;-)


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