[Vtigercrm-developers] SPAM about Mail manager module

Pabiszczak, Błażej b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl
Thu Feb 6 08:19:33 GMT 2014


we have an alternative

Vtiger 6: http://d.opensaas.pl/ossmail
 Login: admin
Pass: admin

I installed one module there "OSSMail":
Info & printscreens: http://opensaas.pl/pobierz/item/mail.html (currently
we do not have the user manual in English, so check screenshots at this web

includes the:

   - OSS Mail (roundcube integrate with vtiger) = Mail Manager
   - OSS Mail View (add mails to CRM, then you can search, filter etc)
   - OSS Mail Scanner (include couple parser scripts and add mails to OSS
   Mail View and make relations). = Mail Converter

OSS Mail:

   - User: http://d.opensaas.pl/ossmail/index.php?module=OSSMail&view=index
   - Admin:

OSS Mail View:

   - User:
   - Admin:

OSS Mail Scanner:

   - Only admin:

We've also added blocks to the summary record:


   - Leads:
   - Organization:
   - Contacts:
   - Opportunity:
   - Projects:
   - Tickets:

Now we add:
- Integration of campaigns.
- Integration of email templates.
- Integration of contacts.

Z poważaniem / Regards
Błażej Pabiszczak
M: +48.884999123
E: b.pabiszczak at opensaas.pl

2014-02-06 6:10 GMT+01:00 Siam Translations LLP <info at siam-translations.com>

>  Guys, it will be worth to make Mail Manger much better than it is now.
> There is few reasons to improve its functionality but the main is to keep
> user in front of vTiger instead of forcing him to switch to other email
> applications.
> The main issue is performance - current solution is slow, has no filtering
> options, in general its functionality is rather poor.
> Addons to Outlook and Thunderbird are not a solution to extend vtiger
> community. Imagine you deliver great email app plus additionally rest of
> crm stuff... lets compare volume of gmail users and vtigercrm users :-)
> [of course google is giant but: think you small, you will never be big]
> Fine email client can be good marketing stuff for all vtiger developers.
> More users = more issues, more potentials.
> Good day!
> A.Smith
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> http://www.vtiger.com/
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