[Vtigercrm-developers] 6.0 Report Module Not SUM AVG MIN MAX

Rebecca Stanek rlstanek at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 01:22:58 GMT 2014

Mystery solved.

If you change the name of the "tablabel" in the database table "vtiger_tab"
to something different than what is in the "name" the Reports will not do

I'm happy to finally have this solved. However, I now have a question. If I
can't change that tablable then in Reports it reflects in the SUM section
the word "Opportunity" instead of the customized name for that module. For
example in the PHP Language file for Potentials the Labels have been
customized to say "Transactions".

How do I change that section of the Report module to reflect the customized
module name?


On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Rebecca Stanek <rlstanek at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have 3 6.0 versions that suddenly the reports module is not doing SUM,
> AVG, MIN, MAX. The only changes that have been made to them are the
> Contacts, Potential, and Vtiger Language php files changed to reflect
> display label name changes, applied trac #8327
> <http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/8327> changes for display
> time, and setup CRON jobs for workflows. Previously in all instances the
> Reports feature worked correctly. I confirmed with vtiger that the trac
> changes would not affect the feature in Reports module. CRON jobs setup
> shouldn't affect. It seems the language files should not affect the Reports
> but maybe they do???
> I've went through every file to see if something else was modified that I
> missed and find nothing. When generating a report in the UI there is not a
> debug error nor in the logs.
> Any advice as to what files and/or steps I should take to fix this issue?
> Thanks,
> Rebecca
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