[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger 6.0 Error - ListView - DisplayType = 3

Stencel, Maciej m.stencel at opensaas.pl
Tue Apr 29 06:35:16 GMT 2014


It's probably a logic bug.

DisplayType 3 hides field in Edit and Detail view. But it's beign displayed
in List view. And everything works but... If all my fields with DisplayType
3 are in one block, and only fields with this DisplayType 3. Then those
fields are hidden in List view also.

Probably because block that has hidden values is not displayed. And it's
okay in Edit and Detail view, but if this DisplayType3 should be shown in
List view, then it shouldn't work like that for this DisplayType.

To recreate it:
Create new block in Edit Fields.
Insert there new field, and change its DisplayType to 3.
Add this field to columns in List view.

Nothing, this field wont be displayed. But if You add to this block normal
field with DisplayType = 1, then that hidden field will show. Because now
this block won't be omited...

I have created a track:

*Z poważaniem / Best regards*

*Maciej Stencel*
*Tel: +48 884-997-123*

*m.stencel at opensaas.pl <m.stencel at opensaas.pl>www.OpenSaaS.pl
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