[Vtigercrm-developers] Relate to Account module on import

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Fri Sep 13 08:40:19 UTC 2013

In the previous version of the import module this used to be really 
easy, we had a special_functions array that mapped comparisons to 
methods and you just had to override the one you wanted for each 

I am not quite sure but I think the new import module in 5.4.0 just uses 
the field defined in vtiger_entityname table. You can try changing it there.

Let us know how it goes.


On 13/09/13 09:14, Alan Lord wrote:
> I've been having a conversation with a new customer about data import 
> via csv...
> He asked a good question about the scenario where there are multiple 
> Organisations with the same name (this is not that unusual an 
> occurrence).
> Now I know how to stop the dupe check when you create a new account, 
> but what I was wondering is if anyone has tried to move the field used 
> on importing to identify the relationship: from the accountname to, 
> say, the account_no field?
> So when importing a bunch of Contacts, you could specify the 
> related_to field as "Account::::ACC1" for example?
> What other implications would this change have and where would it need 
> to be made?
> Cheers
> Al
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Un saludo

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