[Vtigercrm-developers] VT6 Module Manager Settings Button

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 12:31:00 GMT 2013

Hi again ;-)

In module Manager as you hover over various modules, a Settings button 
reveals itself where appropriate.

What I'm trying to work out is how it knows what Settings features to 
offer for a particular module?

For example, when I hover over the SMSNotifier Settings button I see two 

Edit Workflows & Server Configuration

In other modules you may or may not see other options, especially "Edit 
Fields". I see this one appearing in *every* vtlib module I have created 
and am trying to figure out how to turn it off ;-)



Also you have a nasty spelling of your Server Configuration label in 
SMSnotifier language file:

'LBL_SEREVER_CONFIG' => 'Server Configuration',

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