[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger 6 - Date Time Stamping on Comments

Daniel Thompson developingdanny at gmail.com
Fri May 31 15:59:28 UTC 2013

Hi Vikas,

OK I can see this now but I still see this as a user defined option as it
falls under the same category as Time Zones, Currency's etc

I see that Facebook takes this approach but businesses like to see raw data
and having to hover over this to find the date and time in raw form is
slightly excessive.

I can see the benefits of making this a user defined option and hope you
add this to your Road Map.



On 31 May 2013 16:46, Vikas Jain <vikas at vtiger.com> wrote:

> Daniel,
> You can see the exact date and time when the comment was added if you
> hover on the time 19 days ago etc,
> similarly even on the History and Calendar dashboards we show the exact
> time when you hover your mouse.
> On 23 May 2013 18:41, Daniel Thompson <developingdanny at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The new date time stamping should really be a user defined option.
>> Example if I look back to see when I last made a comment and it says 19
>> days ago I would have to actually work that out.
>> But making this a user defined preference allows the user to determine
>> wether 19 days ago or 04-05-2013 at 8am.
>> The above would certainly be an issue regarding support SLA's as human
>> error then becomes a factor when working the above out.
>> Regards
>> Danny
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> --
> Regards
> Vikas
> Vtiger Team
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