[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger 6 Update - Jul 2013
Alan Lord
alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 07:36:48 UTC 2013
That was odd,
last night I just got a PEARdb error when I visited the vt6 home dir to
try and run the installer.
This morning after reading the previous messages in this thread from S T
Prasad, I turned on logging in vtiger then browsed to the root of my
clean vt6 install and the installer started just fine (looks nice BTW).
I disabled the debugger and it still worked.
Probably a Cookie issue? I have quite a few vtiger instances on this
machine as it's our vtiger development server!
The install seemed to run to completion but the "Installation in
progress" graphic just stayed on the browser. But all activity on the
server, mysql access etc. finished. I don't recall seeing the "populate
database with demo data" option.
PS: The files and dirs are as I would expect them to be (files rw-rw---,
dirs rwxrwxr-x)
PPS: Can you remove the:
README.txt (last updated was in 2005!)
Release_Notes.html (last updated 2008)
DEPENDENCIES.txt (very old and I've never needed to install *any* of
the items listed)
PPPS: SendSupportNotification.php is executable from the svn checkout.
there is no need for it to be. Should be 664.
PPPPS: During the installation a directory "settings" is created. It is
created 777. This is completely unnecessary and a security concern.
Ditto with the dirs: cron, cron/language and the packaged vtlib modules
and most of the files inside them. Nothing in there really needs to be
executable from what I can tell... The package extractor, as I have
mentioned on numerous occasions before needs to stop making everything
777. This is *really* bad practice.
PPPPPS: On the Open Source platform, there is absolutely no need to have
that really annoying drop down under the cog to get to the Settings
area. Why can't I just click on the cog?
On 16/07/13 07:51, Alan Lord wrote:
> Thanks S T, but *nothing* in vtiger should *ever* need to be rwxrwxrwx
> (Unless of course there's some horrible vtiger code that won't run
> unless it finds a file/dir with 777!)
> I will review the changes you made and see what it really needs.
> Thanks
> Al
> On 15/07/13 20:29, S T Prasad wrote:
>> Alan,
>> This is the full command line (*nix) which give install the necessary
>> wiggle room.
>> chmod 777 test/; chmod 777 config.inc.php; chmod 777 tabdata.php; chmod
>> 777 parent_tabdata.php; chmod 777 cache/; chmod 777 cache/images/; chmod
>> 777 cache/import/; chmod 777 storage/; chmod 777 user_privileges/; chmod
>> 777 modules/; chmod 777 cron/modules/; chmod 777 test/vtlib/; chmod 777
>> test/vtlib/HTML; chmod 777 test/wordtemplatedownload/; chmod 777
>> test/product/; chmod 777 test/user/; chmod 777 test/contact/; chmod 777
>> test/logo/; chmod 777 logs/;chmod 777 languages/;
>> I have it setup at
>> http://public.vtigress.com/vtiger6July/
>> admin / vtiger6July
>> There are issues, post install, in a few areas, like new user (white
>> screen) and more. I would beleive that the next release effort from the
>> Vtiger team would fix them.
>> I am hesitant to load the trac, as at now, till we get an AOK from the
>> Vtiger team.
>> Till then we test.
>> Best,
>> S.T.Prasad
>> http://www.vtigress.com
>> The Purr-fect mate for vTiger
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