[Vtigercrm-developers] Introducing GeoTools - Geo Location module for vtiger 5.4.0

Adam Heinz amh at metricwise.net
Fri Jan 25 07:42:25 PST 2013

Awesome is right!  The reverse search data integrity check looks especially
useful.  We have some of this sort of stuff implemented, but with nowhere
near the level of polish and configurability that you have.  I'll
definitely have to look at how difficult migrating off our existing stuff
would be.

I notice that the reverse search data embeds a Google Map, which means that
the Google Maps API TOS are also in effect on top of the Google Geocoding

Our original feature that required the Google Geocoding API was address
autocomplete.  We reordered the address field sequence so that street and
zip code are first, so when those are set we look up and fill the other
address fields (and the lat/lng, since we have them).  It works >99% of the
time -- we've found that the API gets confused by spaces easily "100 Still
Water Ln" vs "100 Stillwater Ln" can produce very different results.  If
that's interesting to you, I'll see about pulling it out and submitting a
patch against your project.

2013/1/25 Antoni Bertran <antoni at tresipunt.com>

> Awesome!!
> Antoni Bertran Bellido
> 3&Punt Solucions Informàtiques SL
> 935325991 - 935325992
> C.Aragó 390, àtic 3
> 08013 Barcelona
> www.tresipunt.com
> Tel 935325991
> Mob 677410818
> Fax 935325992
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> remitente.
> 2013/1/25 Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com>
>> Hi all,
>> as discussed
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1FxiADQpsU
>> It's still quite "rough & ready" but it works. It's VPL licensed and
>> will be available for free along with the source code shortly.
>> I've requested a project on the forge for this.
>> There are loads of ideas we have to improve it too :-)
>> Cheers
>> Al
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