[Vtigercrm-developers] getRecordOwnerId() in utils.php

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Wed Jan 23 13:45:57 PST 2013

Hi Adam,

I think the function is correct. Let me try to explain what I understand:

In line 1309:

$query="select smownerid from vtiger_crmentity where crmid = ?";

We get the ownerid of the record passed in as a parameter, but we don't 
know if this ID belongs to a user or to a group.

The next step is to make sure we got an ownerid:

if($adb->num_rows($result) > 0)

Ok, once inside this "if", we need to know if the ID we have is a user 
or a group, so we launch the SQL:

$sql_result = $adb->pquery("select count(*) as count from vtiger_users 
where id = ?",array($ownerId));

if the ownerid is of a user, this will return 1, if it belongs to a 
group it will return 0, thus the next "if" which fills the array (with 
only one ID always).

So, I'm not sure what the stock functions is sending in, probably still 
the prior to 5.4.0 product handler instead of the new 5.4.0 assigned 
user, but I think the getRecordOwnerId() function is correct.


On 23/01/13 21:24, Adam Heinz wrote:
> I'm mucking around with an aftersave handler for the Quotes module 
> today and I started seeing some warnings getting logged.  It looks 
> like the product stock email is causing them, but when I trace into 
> the code [1] my jaw hit the floor.  Am I reading this right?  This 
> function seems to think that you can get back more than one user for a 
> given id, which is impossible, since id is the primary key for 
> vtiger_users.  So then it passes the array('Users' => ID) 
> to getOwnerName to getOwnerNameList and eventually blows up because it 
> tries to use an array for an array key.  To keep the blast radius 
> small, I patched around the error [2], but I think the moral of the 
> story is that getRecordOwnerId() should be rewritten or removed and 
> all uses of it changed.
> [1] 
> http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/browser/vtigercrm/branches/5.4.0/include/utils/utils.php#L1303
> [2]
> Index: include/utils/InventoryUtils.php
> ===================================================================
> --- include/utils/InventoryUtils.php(revision 3777)
> +++ include/utils/InventoryUtils.php(working copy)
> @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
> if($upd_qty < $reorderlevel)
> {
> //send mail to the handler
> -$handler = getRecordOwnerId($product_id);
> +$handler = $adb->database->GetOne("SELECT smownerid FROM 
> vtiger_crmentity WHERE crmid = ?", array($product_id));
> $handler_name = getOwnerName($handler);
> if(vtws_isRecordOwnerUser($handler)) {
> $to_address = getUserEmail($handler);
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

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