[Vtigercrm-developers] Multiple autonumbering in same Module

MAGGI Conrado RE-INGENIA conrado at reingenia.com.ar
Fri Jan 11 08:37:08 PST 2013


One way would be create a custom workflow that update that field. That 
way you can check for any condition you want before update.


On 01/11/2013 01:28 PM, Adrián Granado - Refineria Web wrote:
> Hello all Community,
> I think this is so impossible but maybe someone did  or have 
> experienced something with this:
> I have a simple autonumbering in one of my Modules. So I need another 
> autonumbering just increasing when I want (maybe when the user checks 
> a checkbox for example).
> How can I do this? Just doing another field with uitype 4?
> Thanks all.
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