[Vtigercrm-developers] list view context menu

Adam Heinz amh at metricwise.net
Thu Feb 7 13:48:44 PST 2013

I am working on a prototype replacement for the list view action column. We
have never found it very useful as our users prefer the detail view ajax
edit for the bulk of their changes and generally don't have delete
permissions; which are the only two actions ever listed [1].  I've reviewed
vt6 and the mouse over behavior is no better; we're stuck with the same
basic actions for every record.

The Vtiger_Link class has enabled us to remove custom code and replace it
with data, bringing our fork more in line with stock vtigercrm.  One thing
that I've started to notice is that our context menu entries often overlap
our detail view actions, the main difference being that our context menus
are custom code, whereas the detail view actions are Vtiger_Links.  The
obvious next step is to generate context menus from Vtiger_Links!  The
handler parameter gives me a ton of control over which links are shown when
I generate the context menu, which I am doing via a simple
action=ModuleAjax&file=ContextMenu request.  This lazy evaluation prevents
list view load times from being unwieldy, without sacrificing flexibility.

Anyway, I'll have a patch up before too long (and maybe some screenshots),
but I really wanted to throw this out before the mouse over behavior in vt6
is set in stone.  We're finally starting to deploy 5.4.0 to our users, so I
am only now beginning to look at vt6.  Though I generally like the crisp
new look, it takes several steps backwards in terms of user interface.
 I'll start a new thread tomorrow enumerating my usability concerns.

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