[Vtigercrm-developers] Google Calendar Integration

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 14:58:22 GMT 2013

Next question...

If I now delete this spurious event from vtiger and synchronise what is 
going to happen?

I'm not really prepared to risk loosing valuable data from my calendar 
on Google right now.

Also - seeing how the calendar integration looks to be a bit broken - I 
want to remove the configuration between vtiger and my Google account. I 
can't see any UI facility to do so!

Should I just delete the row in vtiger_google_oauth?


On 10/12/13 14:46, Alan Lord wrote:
> There's a bug where I'm seeing an event displayed in vtiger for today
> (10/12/2013) at 12:00 am to 12:00am which is a sync'd event from my
> Google Calendar.
> The event in Google was actually a very old one (why I noticed it was
> wrong).
> The calendar event is a repeating event for 2 consequetive days: the
> 24/10/2011 and the 25/10/2011 between 12:00 (midday) and 12:45.
> So there's something not quite right with the sync process or the
> date/time parsing somewhere...
> Cheers
> Al
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