[Vtigercrm-developers] Google Calendar Integration

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 14:31:32 GMT 2013

So how is this supposed to work then?

I successfully connected VT6 to one of my Google Accounts. In the 
Account I have about 8 calendar collections with events going back to ~2008

The sync process seems only to pull in 100 records each time I click the 
sync button. Then my screen gets covered with alerts ;-) (See attached). 
This is going to take "eons" to fully sync I think...

This is a helpful improvement but I think you really need to:

1. Enable the user to select which calendar in Google they want vtiger 
events to synchronise with.
2. Provide a scheduled sync function to keep it updated without having 
to manually do it.

I have calendars like: My Personal, Wife's Personal, Wife's Work, Family 
Stuff, My Work, etc etc.  The GCal integration looks like it reads and 
writes only from my "default" calendar - which is not very useful in 
this case.


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