[Vtigercrm-developers] Bug in Report Generator with vtlib modules?
Alan Lord (News)
alanslists at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 15:07:43 UTC 2013
I did some further digging.
It looks like I can't use "_" (or "-") in a field label string.
But changing the string to use either a space or nothing between words
works fine!
It makes translatable labels look a bit odd for my liking but I can live
with it I suppose. It would be nice if "_" worked though - it's a very
commonly used string separator - even for vtiger's own labels like in
module block names etc.
The problem stems from the amazingly convoluted bit of
string-theory-type code (pun intended) between lines 124 and 139 in
ReportRun.php that is working field labels...
On 21/04/13 13:40, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've recently built some custom modules for a client and we've now
> noticed that the report engine is broken.
> If I create a new report that contains a UIType 10 field in my module,
> the query that is generated gets totally mangled and this appears in the
> middle of the report query:
>> (CASE WHEN libertus_lscontracts.supplier NOT LIKE '' THEN (CASE WHEN
>> vtiger_vendorRelLSContracts1094.vendorname NOT LIKE '' THEN
>> vtiger_vendorRelLSContracts1094.vendorname ELSE '' END) ELSE '' END)
> (1094 is the fieldid in vtiger_field)
> This seems to be linked to the fact I've used language files so the
> field labels are translatable, In vtiger_field, in the above example,
> the field vtiger_lscontracts.supplier has a label of LBL_LSSUPPLIER. The
> translation is in my module dir in both an en_us and an en_gb language
> file:
> 'LBL_LSSUPPLIER' => 'Supplier',
> Now oddly, when I am creating the report the left column where first you
> select the fields is translated.
> But in the vtiger_selectcolumn table, the columnname field is stored
> like this:
> libertus_lscontracts:supplier:LSContracts_LBL_LSSUPPLIER:supplier:V
> And when you re-examine (customise) the report the right column of the
> field selection is *not* translated nor are the columns of the report
> output.
> The non-UIType 10 fields seem to work OK when I run a report but if I
> include a UItype 10 field, the report fails because of the mangled query
> above.
> If I edit the columnname field of the report of the database and change
> the string to:
> libertus_lscontracts:supplier:LSContracts_Supplier:supplier:V
> Then the report runs fine and that CASE WHEN query string above doesn't
> get generated at all.
> Can someone explain what is going wrong here?
> I'm not sure if it is a problem during the initial saving of the report
> where the translation is not being saved, or in report retrieval whereby
> the column is not getting translated properly.
> I've been looking through some of the code in modules/Reports but it's
> rather convoluted to say the least. I *think* the issue occurs in
> ReportRun.php function getQueryColumnsList() but if this is the cause or
> a symptom of something else I'm not sure.
> Cheers
> Al
> --
> Libertus Solutions
> http://www.libertus.co.uk
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