[Vtigercrm-developers] Trouble with Timecontrol & Report

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Mon Oct 22 00:53:56 PDT 2012

Hi Matteo,

I'd say it is better to open a ticket in the forge project for this as 
it is a specific problem of an extension more than comments on the 
vtiger CRM application itself.

In any case I can already say that I haven't had any notice of this up 
to know and a lot of people are using it so it is a bit strange. I would 
suggest you try to reproduce in the online demo at vtiger-spain.com and 
send me an email once you have so I can look into it.


On 22/10/12 09:39, Matteo Baranzoni wrote:
> Hy,
> I see that the filters do not work with Timecontrol!
> -- 
> Matteo Baranzoni - Greenbit WEB
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Un saludo

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