[Vtigercrm-developers] Free Mobile App for vtiger CRM Launched

John Crisp john at reetspetit.net
Thu Oct 11 20:15:29 PDT 2012

> Can I request android users to download and give us their feedback on
> what do they think about it. We are adding more features as well to the
> app including trouble ticket management etc and hence your feedback will
> be very important.

A bit of feedback

Currently working on 5.2.1

Just updated to the latest version of the app plus 0.3 
webservice_mobile.php file

Leads, Contacts and Organisations (we still have Accounts) work. 
Opportunities do not. Don't have Trouble Tickets to test.

Very good that you have the link from a Contact to Organisation. Will 
there be one the other way with an Organisation showing a list of linked 
Contacts ?

Saves going back and then searching again,

May try to see why it doesn't pick up Potentials / Opportunities but 
don't have much time right now.

B. Rgds

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