[Vtigercrm-developers] Potential UI Changes

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed May 9 23:52:17 PDT 2012

On 10/05/12 04:47, Sreenivas Kanumuru wrote:
> Bryan, Adam,
> Yes, vtiger 6 will use the jQuery's Datepicker for all date fields.
> Also, we will be replacing popups with auto-fill text fields.


auto-complete fields is very interesting. We need to do this for one 
client so that if someone tried to create a new account (when adding in 
a Contact for example), as they start to type the name, the list of 
similar Account names already in the system appear for them to choose 
from. In fact we do not want most users to be able to add a new account 
at all. Just choose from what is already there.

Just FYI, in OpenERP 6.1 they have a very nice implementation of 
auto-complete with the added options to create, and create/edit from the 
same drop down: http://twitpic.com/9jcpn1/full

I would be really interested to see the work you are planning to do on 
this - we may not need to develop anything in-house...

Many thanks


Libertus Solutions

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