[Vtigercrm-developers] Permission to access reference type is denied

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Wed May 2 14:57:27 PDT 2012

uitype should be 53  ???

El 02/05/12 23:47, Adam Heinz escribió:
> I'm working on my second project using the web service API and I just
> got this error for the first time, "Permission to access reference
> type is deniedUsers".  I drilled into the code and the exception is
> being thrown from vtws_create() on the assigned_user_id field.  My
> first project was a lead submission form that also used this field,
> and it worked no problem.  This second project is against a custom
> module I am in the process of creating, so I have to assume that I set
> it up incorrectly or omitted something.  Doing a SELECT * from
> vtiger_field comparing the new fields reveals that they are virtually
> identical.
> | tabid | fieldid | columnname | tablename        | generatedtype |
> uitype | fieldname        | fieldlabel  | readonly | presence |
> selected | maximumlength | sequence | block | displaytype | typeofdata
> | quickcreate | quickcreatesequence | info_type | masseditable |
> helpinfo |
> +-------+---------+------------+------------------+---------------+--------+------------------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+-------+-------------+------------+-------------+---------------------+-----------+--------------+----------+
> |     7 |      51 | smownerid  | vtiger_crmentity |             1 | 53
>      | assigned_user_id | Assigned To |        1 |        0 |        0
> |           100 |       17 |    13 |           1 | V~M        |
>     0 |                   6 | BAS       |            1 | NULL     |
> |    46 |     753 | smownerid  | vtiger_crmentity |             1 | 52
>      | assigned_user_id | Assigned To |        1 |        2 |        0
> |           100 |        7 |   109 |           1 | I~M        |
>     1 |                NULL | BAS       |            1 |          |
> +-------+---------+------------+------------------+---------------+--------+------------------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+-------+-------------+------------+-------------+---------------------+-----------+--------------+----------+
> Any ideas?
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/

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