[Vtigercrm-developers] In which Database table, the "Products" stored while sales order capturing and webservice

ram prasad ramtrg at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 20:51:27 PDT 2012

Thank You Rodrigo...Also i have another doubt. I want to Sync local sales
order database with Vtiger server Database. For that i know, i want to use
web services. So, Shall i want to create Local DB tables  as same as Server
DB( with same no.of fields,same filed name).Otherwise can i create only
mandatory fields in local database and sync with Server DB?

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Rodrigo Souza <rodrigo at hostplan.com.br>wrote:

> Hi,
> The table that stores this information is vtiger_inventoryproductrel,
> where the ID field relates to the SalesOrderID field.
> Atte,
> *Rodrigo Souza de Oliveira*
> *Consultor de TI
> *Hostplan Informática Ltda
> Telefones: (21) 9217-7909 e/ou (21) 8153-5287
> website: www.hostplan.com.br
> e-mail/msn: rodrigo at hostplan.com.br
> 2012/7/30 ram prasad <ramtrg at gmail.com>
>> Hi
>>     I am creating Sales Order capturing java script application. I am not
>> able to find In which table,the Selected Products(selected when sales order
>> form filling) are stored in vtiger Database. Also in Sales order module web
>> service "products" parameter is not available. Help me to store products
>> while sales order capturing.
>> --
>> BY
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://www.vtiger.com/
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/


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