[Vtigercrm-developers] Mobile API

ram prasad ramtrg at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 21:05:02 PDT 2012


    I have used
id using VTSLIB with javascript.  Now i want to use Mobile API. Shall i
want to Login mobile webservice again? or can i use same sessionID.

  *Also please provide sample Request URL to access Mobile API.*
*   I have tried like below:*
*  *
*   **this._mobileurl='**
 **'; // is it correct*
*    *
*   this.doQuerym = function(callback) {*
* this.__checkLogin();*
*                var reqtype = 'GET';*
* *
* jQuery.ajax({*
* url : this._mobileurl,*
* type: reqtype,*
* **// Pass reference to the client to use it inside callback function.*
* _wsclient : this, *
* complete : function(res, status) {*
* var usethis = this._wsclient;*
* var resobj = usethis.toJSON(res.responseText);*
* var result = false;*
* if(usethis.hasError(resobj) == false) {*
* result = resobj['result'];*
* }*
* usethis.__performCallback(callback, result);*
* }*
* });*
* };*
*   Result:  **500 Internal Server Error*


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