[Vtigercrm-developers] edit and del links

Doug Creviston dcreviston at reality-technology.com
Wed Oct 5 19:26:37 PDT 2011

  I tried to modify the following code by eraseing it:
$links_info .=	"<a href='javascript:confirmdelete(\"".addslashes(urlencode($del_link))."\")'>".$app_strings["LNK_DELETE"]."</a>";
in the listviewUtils.php file, the link still appears on the page after I comment out this line of code. What am i missing?

I forgot to mention that we are creating a special instance of Price Book called which will be used as a default pricebook. Any one price book

can be define as a default pricebook at one time, the default pricebook cannot be deletef

Doug Creviston
Software Analyst
Reality Technology Inc.
(303) 757-1107
2444 Washington Street, Denver, CO, 80205

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