[Vtigercrm-developers] hardcoded string in PDF Invoice filename

Holbok István holbok at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 08:25:33 PST 2011

Hi All,

It may useful if somebody would like to use other filename for the PDF 
invoice. For example in Hungary better to use other word then Invoice.

My suggestion is to use instead of word Invoice a string variable that 
could be set up in the settings screen or in config.inc.php.

Here is in file: ....\modules\Invoice\CreatePDF.php

include_once 'modules/Invoice/InvoicePDFController.php';
global $currentModule;

$controller = new Vtiger_InvoicePDFController($currentModule);
$invoice_no = 
if(isset($_REQUEST['savemode']) && $_REQUEST['savemode'] == 'file') {
     $id = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['record']);
     $controller->Output($filepath,'F'); //added file name to make it 
work in IE, also forces the download giving the user the option to save
} else {
     $controller->Output('*Invoice*_'.$invoice_no.'.pdf', 'D');//added 
file name to make it work in IE, also forces the download giving the 
user the option to save

Best regards:

Holbok István
telefon: +3670-342-0900
e-mail: holbok at gmail.com <mailto:holbok at gmail.com>

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