[Vtigercrm-developers] Need some help tracing a problem.
Alan Lord (News)
alanslists at gmail.com
Sun May 29 05:55:25 PDT 2011
Hi all,
We have a client that uses several instances of a heavily modified
vtiger CRM 5.1.0
We recently migrated one system to a new server but we seem to have
broken something...
One of the custom module (uses vtlib) is not able to save.
It looks like the $action is being stripped somewhere. If I add a
print_r($_REQUEST); early on in index.php and try to save an entity in
the module that fails the $action variable is empty. The save button
however is right:
<input type="submit" style="width: 70px;" value=" Save " name="button"
onclick="this.form.action.value='Save'; return formValidate()"
class="crmbutton small save" accesskey="S" title="Save [Alt+S]">
The error is the infamous "Action missing. Please check Action name" thing.
Trapping the error, the call is missing the "Save" bit of Save.php...
The module's code and the config files all check out so I am wondering
if we might have broken something in the database perhaps?
Can anyone throw out some ideas and places to check? I'm running out of
ideas right now...
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