[Vtigercrm-developers] patch with new adodb 511 and patch for php 5.3 install

Robert Willert robert.willert at conceptpeople.de
Fri Jan 7 02:14:29 PST 2011


we using php 5.3 to develop new modules.
And we had some trouble installing vtiger.
It seems that the default md5 hash in php5.3 is bigger than 30 characters.
But the database field confirm_password has only 30 characters.
Patch vtiger_svn_trunk_r13314__install_php5_3.patch will solve this with 
a changed database schema.

Patch vtiger_svn_trunk_r13314__adodb511.patch will patch adodb to 
version 5.11.
We made some fixes to the original adodb to fit with the current vtiger 
database schema.
These changes are logged in patch adodb511_vtiger.patch.

All patches are against version 5.2.1.

Best regards
Robert Willert


ConceptPeople consulting gmbh

Robert Willert
System Administrator

ConceptPeople consulting gmbh
Kurze Mühren 20
20095 Hamburg

Tel: 040 - 600 90 75-72
Fax: 040 - 600 90 75-71

Bjarne Jansen, Philipp Meißner, Andreas Rother
Steuer-Nr: 74/858/00985
UID-NR: DE219814648
Hamburg, HRB 82938

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