[Vtigercrm-developers] how to import & synchronize product inventory data

Byambaa Mendbayar mendbayar_b at e-map.mn
Mon Oct 25 21:00:55 PDT 2010

Dear David,

First of all thank you very much for your kind response. 

Actually I want to import once and keep in sync in the future as a
Vtiger CRM will act secondary product inventory, that product inventory
should to used for Vtiger CRM. 

I mean my existing fin/system will act primary product inventory then I
have to replicate and synchronize it on my Vtiger CRM database.

Please, advice to me to getting for efficient solution! 

With regards,

On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 07:58 -0400, David V. wrote:
> Do you want to import once ? Or import and keep in sync in the
> future ?
> If you just want to import it's easy :
> You export from your other system as a csv file and then import in
> Vtiger using the import feature in the Product module.
> David V.
> 2010/10/25 Byambaa Mendbayar <mendbayar_b at e-map.mn>
>         Dear Developers,
>         Greetings for everyone who had been developing and participate
>         vTiger
>         CRM development.
>         I am new one in vTiger CRM system. Just I try to implement
>         vTiger CRM
>         for our sales & administrative departments.
>         In this time I want to know how can I import or synchronize
>         vTiger CRM
>         products' inventory? Just we have dedicated financial software
>         system
>         for product inventory it was in MSSQL server. I want to
>         synchronize this
>         DB's products inventory table data to vTiger CRM products
>         table! How can
>         I do this, please advice to me that! I mean how can I
>         replicate my
>         primary (MSSQL) DB data to my vTiger CRM DB? Of course, I know
>         our
>         fin/system DB structure.
>         With best regards,
>         B.Mendbayar
>         _______________________________________________
>         http://www.vtiger.com/

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