[Vtigercrm-developers] Relating Purchase orders to Accounts

John Crisp john at reetspetit.net
Tue Jun 29 03:32:14 PDT 2010

My users are really struggling with finding Purchase Orders from the 
relevant Account, Invoice or Sales Order. A customer calls to query an 
order, but it's not necessarily the same person that actually placed the 
order. The user knows the Account name and looks there. If there are 
several contacts on one Account, it makes it like looking for a needle 
in a haystack !

The PO gets added to More Information on the Contact page. Is it 
possible to add the same information to the Account Page - e.g all P.O.s 
for that Account ?

Currently we add the Account name in the Subject line of the P.O. so you 
can search by that, but it's a bit cumbersome.

It would make sense when creating a PO to be able to choose the Account, 
Contact and Sales Order that it is related to, and have that information 
on the Invoice/Account/SO - More info page as well.

It would also make sense on the Contacts More information page where you 
have Invoices with the details to add in the SO number as well as the SO 
name - we end up with a lot of orders with the same Subject name and you 
can't always easily distinguish between them.

I guess all of this would be an extension or modification of the 
get_related modules in Contacts.php / Invoice.php

What other pages would need to be modified to do this ?

B. Rgds

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