[Vtigercrm-developers] Add Event (Missing asterisk) or Not Mandatory

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 01:30:44 PDT 2010

We were setting up a new system the other day and were trying to do 
something using the Add Event page.

We created a few new Types of event in the picklist Editor that were 
descriptive, e.g. "Sent Brochure".

We can then Add a new event and select the type from the dropdown.

Unfortunately, the Event Name Field is mandatory although there is no 
red asterisk next to it.

The ideal solution for us, if the Event Name field is really mandatory, 
would be to copy the text from the Type Picklist on page load or when 
the picklist is changed. The user would be free to edit and change the 
field if needed but this would save having to enter it manually if the 
user is happy with the description in the Type dropdown.

Make sense?


PS - The To Do subject line is also mandatory and does not have a red 
asterisk next to it.

PPS - The red asterisks are also missing in VT520VB2.

The Open Learning Centre

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