[Vtigercrm-developers] Duplicate a module?

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 01:21:35 PST 2010

We were doing some training for a customer yesterday. They are a 
consulting/engineering company.

The use the Potentials module to actually track real projects. i.e. that 
is once there is a definite proposal for their customer and work to be 

As they do development/engineering/consulting this fits nicely. Each 
Potential gets assigned a custom number (ENxxxx) which ties the whole 
project together amongst other aspects of their business processes and 

We have renamed the Potentials module throughout vtiger to be known as 
Enquiries (Hence the EN number).

However, they would also like to be able to track opportunities that are 
not yet definite jobs. This is how I guess most of us use the Potentials 

So, I was wondering about different methods of achieving this.

1st is to add some custom fields to the Potentials module to identify if 
it is a pre-project opportunity or a real project (with an EN number). 
But I think this requires us to manually change the potential ID  to an 
EN# when a potential gets the go ahead. This ideally needs to be 
automatic and EN numbers assigned sequentially.

2nd would be to create a second Potentials module. And then have some 
kind of "convert this to an Enquiry" function (and get an EN #) when the 
opportunity becomes a real project.

I think the key aspects are:

* Both 'types' of potential need similar features that are available in 
the existing Potentials module.

* we need to be able to transition from the initial pre "EN Number" 
stage to the EN stage (as and when their customers agree to start a 
project) and retain the existing data.

Anyone else got any ideas as to how we could achieve this?



The Open Learning Centre

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