[Vtigercrm-developers] Modules naming : Best practices ?

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Mon Sep 28 01:39:53 PDT 2009

Hi David,

Following are few conventions I would like to suggest: (Let us improve it as
we go along, so feel free to add)

* Please have a short-prefix for the module developed by you
  - The short-prefix could be a name of your company or reverse domain name
like java package. This helps in avoiding name-clashes over a long time.
  - Example: From mycompany.com, the preferable module name would be:
* Prefix your tables related to modules as well. This is very important.
* Avoid module or table names without the prefix. This might clash with
standard modules/tables.
* You can control the display name of module through translation.
  - This helps in controlling suffixing with 's' or not accordingly.


On 9/27/09, David V. <davidv.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi !
> Are there any naming conventions for the modules in Vtiger.
> Most modules in Vtiger have to deal with multiples entities :
> Contacts
> Accounts
> Potentials
> So they are named accordingly with and ending "s" (plural form)
> But some others don't have the ending "s"
> It's normal for Calendar if you see it as one calendar and not as a group
> of activities.
> And also for HelpDesk.
> But it's curious that following modules don't have an "s"
> Invoice
> SalesOrder
> PurchaseOrder
> I came across this when trying to make a new "Computers" module using the
> example in Vtlib.pdf as a basis.
> In this documentation the PaySlip example is without an "s" but I wanted to
> have my new module just like Accounts and Contacts (with this trailing s).
> So I tried to put Computer in some places and Computers in some others
> places.
> I spent a while trying to make it work but it wouldn't :-(
> (I probably missed something)
> Finaly I had to stick with the name Computer.
> Actually the users don't mind. Once everything is translated no one will
> read the addresses in the browser's adress bar and call you because they see
> "house" instead of "houses" (or "cow" instead of "cows") but I just wanted
> to understand what was the convention in Vtiger and stick to the other
> developers best practices.
> So how do you guys do it ?
> Do you put an "s" or no ?
> Disclaimer : I'm a true fan of Vtiger. I'm not critisizing here. Just
> trying to provide some constructive feedback. :-)
> David V.
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