[Vtigercrm-developers] Custom fields and Formulas

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 05:48:22 PDT 2009

Hi I have created a couple of custom fields in a module.

One is a picklist of integers (to use as a percentage) and the other is 
a currency field.

I have an equation in the field formulas settings which correctly 
calculates a figure and display it in my new custom currency field.

What I would like is to be able to make that currency field read-only by 
the user so it can only be updated programatically by my equation.

Using the various configuration settings, I can only seem to either 
enable the field (so it can be edited by the user), or it becomes 
completely invisible and is not displayed at all.

Is this possible?



Alan Lord
The Open Learning Centre
Web: www.theopenlearningcentre.com

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