[Vtigercrm-developers] Information about vtiger_fields and warnings after dropping some rows.

Christian Castelli christian.castelli at trackset.com
Fri Jan 30 06:57:14 PST 2009

amine f wrote:
> Hi Christain,
> It is not normal the you are logged automatically to the system. When 
> you modify the Vtiger DB you must update the data base schem. To 
> excute delete do tou use PhpMyadmin ?
> www.snet-dz.com <http://www.snet-dz.com>
I'm automatically *logged out* to the system after every DELETE and yes, 
I've used phpMyAdmin 2.10.3deb1ubuntu0.2. How do I update the schema? By 
updating the schema the system won't log me out?

Christian Castelli
Software Developer
christian.castelli at trackset.com

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