[Vtigercrm-developers] How can I really delete entities from MySQL?

Asha asha at vtiger.com
Wed Sep 3 19:59:26 PDT 2008

Hi Christian Castelli,

There are multiple queries involved for each module to delete an item from
the database as the information for each item is spread across multiple
tables. Simple thing would be to delete only from vtiger_crmentity table.
But this will not be clean.

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Christian Castelli <
christian.castelli at trackset.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm new to vTiger and I've discovered that when I delete an item from
> the system (via browser), vTiger set to 1 the field vtiger_crmentity in
> the database.
> I can see all deleted items by a simpel query (and if I'm not wrong, in
> future releases it will be possibile to restore these items by the GUI,
> won't it?).
> My question is: how can I really delete those items in MySQL (in order
> to make it cleaner) that I've deleted from vTiger? What queries are
> involved?
> Thanks.
> --
> Christian Castelli
> Software Developer
> christian.castelli at trackset.com
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> Via Sant'Ilario Sud,109
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