[Vtigercrm-developers] A challenging problem for youguruvtigerdevelopers out there
Andrew Rodes
arodes at onweald.com
Mon Jan 14 00:17:21 PST 2008
Well I upgraded php to 5.2.5 on both instances, and still got the weird
result on one and not the other.
However, I fixed the performance issue with a work around that doesnt make
much sense, but worked. I read this forum post a few days ago, but couldnt
see how commenting out debug print lines would speed things up. But, that
did the trick. However, I did narrow it down to the exact variable causing
the ruckus ($list_result) , so I only had to comment out 2 lines:
In ListViewUtils.php:
$log->debug("Entering getValue(".$field_result.",".
") method ...");
$log->debug("Entering getSearchListViewEntries(".get_class($focus).",".
$module.",".$list_result.",".$navigation_array.") method ...");
There must be a bug in php or apache or mysql ( no idea) that returns the
entire result set to $list_result when its evaluated for printing. My guess
is that the libmysql.dll must have a default _tostring method in there in
some versions.
Anyway, Ill post this to the forum as well in that slow popup thread.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Rodes [mailto:arodes at onweald.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:00 PM
To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
Subject: Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] A challenging problem for
youguruvtigerdevelopers out there
One more piece of information that might matter is that on the fast
instance, im running PHP Version 5.1.2, and on the slow one its PHP
Version 5.2.3. However I've been googling this for a few days, and cant find
any bug in the later version of php that may be causing it.
Thanks again for any help!
From: Andrew Rodes [mailto:arodes at onweald.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:42 PM
To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
Subject: Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] A challenging problem for you
guruvtigerdevelopers out there
Sure .. here they are.
I have continued to debug, and internally php sees it as an object but when
I log->debug it using the internal debugger it prints it like a string in
one case and Object #40 (a reference to an object) in the other.
In popup.php
$result = & $this->database->Execute($sql);
$log->debug('type result from query : '.gettype($result)); //LOGS
object in logfile
$log->debug('result from query : '.$result); //LOGS .long list of
comma separated data from the query(all records) on slow instance, returns
object #40 in fast instance
As for OS .. the slow one is running on windows server 2003, the faster one
on windows 2000.
From: Prasad [mailto:prasad at vtiger.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 12:58 PM
To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
Subject: Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] A challenging problem for you guruvtiger
developers out there
Hi Andrew,
Could you please bundle the configuration files (php.ini, my.cnf/my.ini) of
both the installation separately and send it across to this thread.
Are you having the 2 vtiger environments on the same OS?
It would help our developer community to analyze the issue further.
vtiger Team
On 1/12/08, Andrew Rodes < arodes at onweald.com> wrote:
Ok , I have 2 vtiger environments in question. From what I can tell they are
very similar expect for point release difference of apache 2.2 , mysql 5.0,
and php 5.2
The have basically the same php.ini, mysql.ini and http.conf
The weird part is that one one environment pop up lists are taking 4 times
longer to load then the other. For example, when creating a new trouble
ticket, if you pop up the contacts list to select a contact, it takes 12-15
seconds, on the other environment its 3-4. (same exact database
number of
records etc)
I turned on debugging and found out a very weird thing that looks like it
might be some php or mysql setting, but I cant figure it out quick enough.
In popup.php, there is a line of code that assigns a variable to the result
of a mysql query. However, in one environment it returns the entire list of
records, and in the other environment it returns just an object reference.
WHY would it be returning different result data types. Any ideas?
$list_result = $adb->query($query);
Environment 1 debugging: (very slow) (the parameters for
getSearchListViewEntries are
DEBUG contact_list - Entering
d,email,phone,smownerid,crmid ..ect etc etc for 500+ lines in debug log with
the rows of data
Environment 2 debugging (fast)
DEBUG contact_list - Entering
getSearchListViewEntries(Contacts,Contacts,Object id #40,Array) method ...
Any ideas???
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