[Vtigercrm-developers] Implementing a New Tab Fucntionality

bruce bedouglas at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 8 08:10:54 PST 2008


Looking to implement a new function to allow my "users" to be able to search
through my external company/dept/worker database, to request/be assigned the
accounts/leads/contacts that the user will work with.

This kind of functionality is needed to restrict/limit the interaction
between users regarding contacts that a given user isn't supposed to be
working with.

To my knowledge, vTiger has no way to allow a user to select a
company/account to work with, and to have this request be approved by a
mgr/admin. And to then restrict the "hidden" fields for this "account" from
users who aren't assigned to the account.

Thoughts/comments are welcome.



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