[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger contribution question
Jens Hamisch
jens at Strawberry.COM
Thu May 3 06:56:34 PDT 2007
I've verfied the 5.1_jens PearDatabase.php to my running version
and found no differences. Could you please check the one attached to
this mail to the one you're testing against?
Kind regards,
Jens Hamisch
On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 07:28:02PM +0700, Dome Charoenyost wrote:
> Jens,
> I try to test your branch with lxampp 1.5.3a (php 5.1.4)
> found same error
> Fatal error: Call to a member function Move() on a non-object in
> /opt/lampp/htdocs/vtiger/include/database/PearDatabase.php on line 441
> Please give me more information about php,postgresql version ?
> Dome C.
> On 5/3/07, Jens Hamisch <jens at strawberry.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Enrico,
> >
> > my fixes adress syntactical postgres support only. However
> > yours also seems to improove performance. Is there any chance
> > to have both fixes implemented (@don,richie)?
> >
> > Jens
> >
> >
> > On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 04:36:53AM +0200, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> > > * Jorge Torres <jorge.torres.maldonado at gmail.com> schrieb:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > > Since it is now clear that postgres is supported, the only thing would be
> > > > about Enrico's opinion of adb->query_results being resource wasting, which
> > > > is very important regardless of mysql or postgres use, Enrico, what are
> > > > you doing instead of using the query_results method?
> > >
> > > As already said: introduced some new functions, which fetch either
> > > one record (run_query_record() and run_query_field()) or all records
> > > (run_query_allrecords() and run_query_list()) and simply return the data.
> > >
> > > There are several result types:
> > >
> > > a) just one scalar: -> run_query_field($query,$fieldname)
> > > --> returns an scalar
> > > b) just one record: -> run_query_record($query)
> > > --> returns an associative array
> > > c) an list of scalars -> run_query_list($query,$fieldname)
> > > --> returns an array/list of scalars
> > > d) an list of records: -> run_query_allreords($query)
> > > --> returns an array/list of ass. arrays
> > >
> > > cu
> > > --
> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Enrico Weigelt == metux IT service
> > >
> > > phone: +49 36207 519931 www: http://www.metux.de/
> > > fax: +49 36207 519932 email: contact at metux.de
> > > cellphone: +49 174 7066481
> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > -- DSL ab 0 Euro. -- statische IP -- UUCP -- Hosting -- Webshops --
> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
> >
> > --
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > s t r a w b e r r y e d v - s y s t e m e g m b h
> >
> > SSSSSSSSS Am Flosskanal 7 Jens Hamisch
> > SSSSSSSSSSSSS D-82515 Wolfratshausen Geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
> > ---SSSSS--------- fon (+49 8171) 41805-0
> > -----SSSSSSS----- fax (+49 8171) 41805-59
> > ---------SSSSS--- info at strawberry.com jens.hamisch at strawberry.com
> > SSSSS-----SSSSS mobil: (+49 172) 8104162
> > SSSSSSSSSSSSS Geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
> > SSSSSSSSS Jens Hamisch
> >
> > a g m u e n c h e n H R B 9 3 2 8 7 - D E 1 2 9 4 6 7 5 1 8
> > _______________________________________________
> > Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Reach hundreds of potential candidates - http://jobs.vtiger.com
s t r a w b e r r y e d v - s y s t e m e g m b h
SSSSSSSSS Am Flosskanal 7 Jens Hamisch
SSSSSSSSSSSSS D-82515 Wolfratshausen Geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
---SSSSS--------- fon (+49 8171) 41805-0
-----SSSSSSS----- fax (+49 8171) 41805-59
---------SSSSS--- info at strawberry.com jens.hamisch at strawberry.com
SSSSS-----SSSSS mobil: (+49 172) 8104162
SSSSSSSSSSSSS Geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
SSSSSSSSS Jens Hamisch
a g m u e n c h e n H R B 9 3 2 8 7 - D E 1 2 9 4 6 7 5 1 8
-------------- next part --------------
* The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version 1.1.2
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.sugarcrm.com/SPL
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
$log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('VT');
class PearDatabase{
var $database = null;
var $dieOnError = false;
var $dbType = null;
var $dbHostName = null;
var $dbName = null;
var $dbOptions = null;
var $userName=null;
var $userPassword=null;
var $query_time = 0;
var $log = null;
var $lastmysqlrow = -1;
var $enableSQLlog = false;
function isMySQL() { return dbType=='mysql'; }
function isOracle() { return dbType=='oci8'; }
function println($msg)
$log1 =& LoggerManager::getLogger('VT');
$log1->info("PearDatabse ->".print_r($msg,true));
$log1->info("PearDatabase ->".$msg);
return $msg;
function setDieOnError($value){
$this->dieOnError = $value;
function setDatabaseType($type){
$this->dbType = $type;
function setUserName($name){
$this->userName = $name;
function setOption($name, $value){
$this->dbOptions[$name] = $value;
$this->database->setOption($name, $value);
function setUserPassword($pass){
$this->userPassword = $pass;
function setDatabaseName($db){
$this->dbName = $db;
function setDatabaseHost($host){
$this->dbHostName = $host;
function getDataSourceName(){
return $this->dbType. "://".$this->userName.":".$this->userPassword."@". $this->dbHostName . "/". $this->dbName;
function startTransaction()
$this->println("TRANS Started");
function completeTransaction()
$this->println("TRANS Rolled Back");
$this->println("TRANS Commited");
$this->println("TRANS Completed");
/* ADODB converted
* function checkError($msg='', $dieOnError=false)
* {
* if($this->dbType == "mysql")
* {
* if (mysql_errno())
* {
* if($this->dieOnError || $dieOnError)
* {
* $this->log->fatal("MySQL error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error());
* die ($msg."MySQL error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error());
* } else {
* $this->log->error("MySQL error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error());
* }
* return true;
* }
* return false;
* }
* else
* {
* if(!isset($this->database))
* {
* $this->log->error("Database Is Not Connected");
* return true;
* }
* if(DB::isError($this->database))
* {
* if($this->dieOnError || $dieOnError)
* {
* $this->log->fatal($msg.$this->database->getMessage());
* die ($msg.$this->database->getMessage());
* } else {
* $this->log->error($msg.$this->database->getMessage());
* }
* return true;
* }
* }
* return false;
* }
function checkError($msg='', $dieOnError=false)
* if($this->database->ErrorNo())
* {
* if($this->dieOnError || $dieOnError)
* {
* $this->println("ADODB error ".$this->database->ErrorNo());
* die ($msg."ADODB error ".$this->database->ErrorNo());
* } else {
* $this->log->error("MySQL error ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error());
* }
* return true;
* }
if($this->dieOnError || $dieOnError)
$this->println("ADODB error ".$msg."->[".$this->database->ErrorNo()."]".$this->database->ErrorMsg());
die ($msg."ADODB error ".$msg."->".$this->database->ErrorMsg());
$this->println("ADODB error ".$msg."->[".$this->database->ErrorNo()."]".$this->database->ErrorMsg());
return false;
function change_key_case($arr)
return is_array($arr)?array_change_key_case($arr):$arr;
var $req_flist;
* @return void
* @desc checks if a connection exists if it does not it closes the connection
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc..
* All Rights Reserved..
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
function checkConnection(){
global $log;
$this->println("TRANS creating new connection");
* $flist=get_included_files();
* foreach($flist as $key=>$value)
* {
* if(!strstr($value,'\\modules') && !strstr($value,'\\data'))
* unset($flist[$key]);
* }
* $this->println($flist);
//$this->println("checkconnect using old connection");
/* ADODB converted
* function query($sql, $dieOnError=false, $msg='')
* {
* $this->println("query ".$sql);
* $this->log->info('Query:' . $sql);
* $this->checkConnection();
* $this->query_time = microtime();
* if($this->dbType == "mysql")
* {
* $result =& mysql_query($sql);
* $this->lastmysqlrow = -1;
* } else {
* $result =& $this->database->query($sql);
* }
* $this->query_time = microtime() - $this->query_time;
* $this->log->info('Query Execution Time:'.$this->query_time);
* $this->checkError($msg.' Query Failed:' . $sql . '::', $dieOnError);
* return $result;
* }
function query($sql, $dieOnError=false, $msg='')
global $log;
//$this->println("ADODB query ".$sql);
$log->debug('query being executed : '.$sql);
$result = & $this->database->Execute($sql);
$this->lastmysqlrow = -1;
if(!$result)$this->checkError($msg.' Query Failed:' . $sql . '::', $dieOnError);
return $result;
function getEmptyBlob()
//if(dbType=="oci8") return 'empty_blob()';
//else return 'null';
return 'null';
function updateBlob($tablename, $colname, $id, $data)
$this->println("updateBlob t=".$tablename." c=".$colname." id=".$id);
$result = $this->database->UpdateBlob($tablename, $colname, $data, $id);
$this->println("updateBlob t=".$tablename." c=".$colname." id=".$id." status=".$result);
return $result;
function updateBlobFile($tablename, $colname, $id, $filename)
$this->println("updateBlobFile t=".$tablename." c=".$colname." id=".$id." f=".$filename);
$result = $this->database->UpdateBlobFile($tablename, $colname, $filename, $id);
$this->println("updateBlobFile t=".$tablename." c=".$colname." id=".$id." f=".$filename." status=".$result);
return $result;
/* ADODB converted
* function limitQuery($sql,$start,$count, $dieOnError=false, $msg='')
* {
* if($this->dbType == "mysql")
* return $this->query("$sql LIMIT $start,$count", $dieOnError, $msg);
* $this->log->info('Limit Query:' . $sql. ' Start: ' .$start . ' count: ' . $count);
* $this->lastsql = $sql;
* $this->checkConnection();
* $this->query_time = microtime();
* $result =& $this->database->limitQuery($sql,$start, $count);
* $this->query_time = microtime() - $this->query_time;
* $this->log->info('Query Execution Time:'.$this->query_time);
* $this->checkError($msg.' Query Failed:' . $sql . '::', $dieOnError);
* return $result;
* }
function limitQuery($sql,$start,$count, $dieOnError=false, $msg='')
global $log;
//$this->println("ADODB limitQuery sql=".$sql." st=".$start." co=".$count);
$log->debug(' limitQuery sql = '.$sql .' st = '.$start .' co = '.$count);
$result =& $this->database->SelectLimit($sql,$count,$start);
if(!$result) $this->checkError($msg.' Limit Query Failed:' . $sql . '::', $dieOnError);
return $result;
/* ADODB converted
* function getOne($sql, $dieOnError=false, $msg='')
* {
* $this->log->info('Get One:' . $sql);
* $this->checkConnection();
* if($this->dbType == "mysql"){
* $queryresult =& $this->query($sql, $dieOnError, $msg);
* $result =& mysql_result($queryresult,0);
* } else {
* $result =& $this->database->getOne($sql);
* }
* $this->checkError($msg.' Get One Failed:' . $sql . '::', $dieOnError);
* return $result;
* }
function getOne($sql, $dieOnError=false, $msg='')
$this->println("ADODB getOne sql=".$sql);
$result =& $this->database->GetOne($sql);
if(!$result) $this->checkError($msg.' Get one Query Failed:' . $sql . '::', $dieOnError);
return $result;
/* ADODB converted
* function getFieldsArray(&$result)
* {
* $field_array = array();
* if(! isset($result) || empty($result))
* {
* return 0;
* }
* if($this->dbType == "mysql")
* {
* $i = 0;
* while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result))
* {
* $meta = mysql_fetch_field($result, $i);
* if (!$meta)
* {
* return 0;
* }
* array_push($field_array,$meta->name);
* $i++;
* }
* }
* else
* {
* $arr = tableInfo($result);
* foreach ($arr as $index=>$subarr)
* {
* array_push($field_array,$subarr['name']);
* }
* }
* return $field_array;
* }
function getFieldsArray(&$result)
//$this->println("ADODB getFieldsArray");
$field_array = array();
if(! isset($result) || empty($result))
return 0;
$i = 0;
$n = $result->FieldCount();
while ($i < $n)
$meta = $result->FetchField($i);
if (!$meta)
return 0;
return $field_array;
/* ADODB Converted
* function getRowCount(&$result)
* {
* if(isset($result) && !empty($result))
* if($this->dbType == "mysql"){
* return mysql_numrows($result);
* } else {
* return $result->numRows();
* }
* return 0;
* }
function getRowCount(&$result){
global $log;
//$this->println("ADODB getRowCount");
if(isset($result) && !empty($result))
$rows= $result->RecordCount();
//$this->println("ADODB getRowCount rows=".$rows);
//$log->debug('getRowCount rows= '.$rows);
return $rows;
/* ADODB newly added. replacement for mysql_num_rows */
function num_rows(&$result)
return $this->getRowCount($result);
/* ADODB newly added. replacement form mysql_num_fields */
function num_fields(&$result)
return $result->FieldCount();
/* ADODB newly added. replacement for mysql_fetch_array() */
function fetch_array(&$result)
//$this->println("ADODB fetch_array return null");
return NULL;
return $this->change_key_case($result->FetchRow());
/* ADODB newly added. replacement for mysql_result() */
function query_result(&$result, $row, $col=0)
//$this->println("ADODB query_result r=".$row." c=".$col);
$rowdata = $this->change_key_case($result->FetchRow());
//Commented strip_selected_tags and added to_html function for HTML tags vulnerability
//$coldata = strip_selected_tags($rowdata[$col],'script');
$coldata = to_html($rowdata[$col]);
//$this->println("ADODB query_result ". $coldata);
return $coldata;
/* ADODB Converted
* function getAffectedRowCount(&$result)
* {
* if($this->dbType == "mysql"){
* return mysql_affected_rows();
* }
* else {
* return $result->affectedRows();
* }
* return 0;
* }
function getAffectedRowCount(&$result)
global $log;
//$this->println("ADODB getAffectedRowCount");
$rows =$this->database->Affected_Rows();
//$this->println("ADODB getAffectedRowCount rows=".rows);
$log->debug('getAffectedRowCount rows = '.$rows);
return $rows;
/* ADODB converted
* function requireSingleResult($sql, $dieOnError=false,$msg='', $encode=true){
* $result = $this->query($sql, $dieOnError, $msg);
* if($this->getRowCount($result ) == 1)
* return to_html($result, $encode);
* $this->log->error('Rows Returned:'. $this->getRowCount($result) .' More than 1 row returned for '. $sql);
* return '';
* }
function requireSingleResult($sql, $dieOnError=false,$msg='', $encode=true)
$result = $this->query($sql, $dieOnError, $msg);
if($this->getRowCount($result ) == 1)
return $result;
$this->log->error('Rows Returned:'. $this->getRowCount($result) .' More than 1 row returned for '. $sql);
return '';
/* ADODB converted
* function fetchByAssoc(&$result, $rowNum = -1, $encode=true)
* {
* if(isset($result) && $rowNum < 0)
* {
* if($this->dbType == "mysql"){
* $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
* if($encode&& is_array($row))
* return array_map('to_html', $row);
* return $row;
* }
* $row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
* }
* if($this->dbType == "mysql"){
* if($this->getRowCount($result) > $rowNum){
* mysql_data_seek($result, $rowNum);
* }
* $this->lastmysqlrow = $rowNum;
* $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
* if($encode&& is_array($row))
* return array_map('to_html', $row);
* return $row;
* }
* $row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, $rowNum);
* if($encode)
* return array_map('to_html', $row);
* return $row;
* }
function fetchByAssoc(&$result, $rowNum = -1, $encode=true)
//$this->println("ADODB fetchByAssoc ".$rowNum." fetch mode=".$adb->database->$ADODB_FETCH_MODE);
$this->println("ADODB fetchByAssoc return null");
return NULL;
if(isset($result) && $rowNum < 0)
$row = $this->change_key_case($result->GetRowAssoc(false));
//$this->println("ADODB fetchByAssoc r< 0 isarray r=".is_array($row)." r1=".is_array($row[1]));
if($encode&& is_array($row))
return array_map('to_html', $row);
//$this->println("ADODB fetchByAssoc r< 0 not array r1=".$row[1]);
return $row;
//$this->println("ADODB fetchByAssoc after if ".$rowNum);
if($this->getRowCount($result) > $rowNum)
$this->lastmysqlrow = $rowNum; //srini - think about this
$row = $this->change_key_case($result->GetRowAssoc(false));
if($encode&& is_array($row))
return array_map('to_html', $row);
return $row;
/* ADODB converted
* function getNextRow(&$result, $encode=true)
* {
* if(isset($result)){
* $row = $result->fetchRow();
* if($encode&& is_array($row))
* return array_map('to_html', $row);
* return $row;
* }
* return null;
* }
function getNextRow(&$result, $encode=true){
global $log;
//$this->println("ADODB getNextRow");
$row = $this->change_key_case($result->FetchRow());
if($row && $encode&& is_array($row))
return array_map('to_html', $row);
return $row;
return null;
function fetch_row(&$result, $encode=true)
return $this->getNextRow($result);
function field_name(&$result, $col)
return $result->FetchField($col);
function getQueryTime(){
return $this->query_time;
* function execute($stmt, $data, $dieOnError=false, $msg=''){
* $this->log->info('Executing:'.$stmt);
* $this->checkConnection();
* $this->query_time = microtime();
* $prepared = $this->database->prepare($stmt);
* $result = execute($stmt, $data);
* $this->query_time = microtime() - $this->query_time;
* //$this->log->info('Query Execution Time:'.$this->query_time);
* $this->checkError('Execute Failed:' . $stmt. '::', $dieOnError);
* return $result;
* }
/* adodb converted
* function connect($dieOnError = false){
* $this->println("connect");
* global $dbconfigoption;
* if($this->dbType == "mysql" && $dbconfigoption['persistent'] == true){
* $this->database =@mysql_pconnect($this->dbHostName,$this->userName,$this->userPassword);
* @mysql_select_db($this->dbName) or die( "Unable to select database");
* if(!$this->database){
* $this->connection = mysql_connect($this->dbHostName,$this->userName,$this->userPassword) or die("Could not connect to server ".$this->dbHostName." as ".$this->userName.".".mysql_error());
* if($this->connection == false && $dbconfigoption['persistent'] == true){
* $_SESSION['administrator_error'] = "<B>Severe Performance Degradation: Persistent Database Connections not working. Please set \$dbconfigoption['persistent'] to false in your config.php file</B>";
* }
* }
* }
* else $this->database = DB::connect($this->getDataSourceName(), $this->dbOptions);
* if($this->checkError('Could Not Connect:', $dieOnError))
* $this->log->info("connected to db");
* }
function connect($dieOnError = false)
//$this->println("ADODB connect");
global $dbconfigoption,$dbconfig;
//$this->println("ADODB type=".$this->dbType." host=".$this->dbHostName." dbname=".$this->dbName." user=".$this->userName." password=".$this->userPassword);
* $driver='mysql';
* $server='srinivasan';
* $user='root';
* $password='';
* $database='vtigercrm3_2';
* $this->database = ADONewConnection($driver);
* #$this->database->debug = true;
* $this->println("ADODB status=".$this->database->PConnect($server, $user, $password, $database));
* $this->dbHostName="srinivasan:1521";
* $this->userName="vt4";
* $this->userPassword="vt4";
* $this->dbName="srini";
* $this->dbType="oci8";
$this->println("ADODB Connect : DBType not specified");
$this->database = ADONewConnection($this->dbType);
//$this->database->debug = true;
$this->database->PConnect($this->dbHostName, $this->userName, $this->userPassword, $this->dbName);
//$this->println("ADODB type=".$this->dbType." host=".$this->dbHostName." dbname=".$this->dbName." user=".$this->userName." password=".$this->userPassword);
* function PearDatabase(){
* //$this->println("PearDatabase");
* global $currentModule;
* $this->log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('PearDatabase_'. $currentModule);
* $this->resetSettings();
* }
* function resetSettings(){
* global $dbconfig, $dbconfigoption;
* $this->disconnect();
* $this->setDatabaseType($dbconfig['db_type']);
* $this->setUserName($dbconfig['db_username']);
* $this->setUserPassword($dbconfig['db_password']);
* $this->setDatabaseHost( $dbconfig['db_hostname']);
* $this->setDatabaseName($dbconfig['db_name']);
* $this->dbOptions = $dbconfigoption;
* $this->enableSQLlog = ($dbconfig['log_sql'] == true);
* //$this->println("resetSettings log=".$this->enableSQLlog);
* //$this->println($dbconfig);
* //if($this->dbType != "mysql"){
* // require_once( 'DB.php' );
* //}
* }
function PearDatabase($dbtype='',$host='',$dbname='',$username='',$passwd='')
global $currentModule;
$this->log =& LoggerManager::getLogger('PearDatabase_'. $currentModule);
function resetSettings($dbtype,$host,$dbname,$username,$passwd)
global $dbconfig, $dbconfigoption;
if($host == '')
$this->setDatabaseHost( $dbconfig['db_hostname']);
$this->dbOptions = $dbconfigoption;
$this->enableSQLlog = ($dbconfig['log_sql'] == true);
//$this->println("resetSettings log=".$this->enableSQLlog);
/*if($this->dbType != "mysql"){
require_once( 'DB.php' );
$this->setDatabaseHost( $host);
function quote($string){
return $this->database->qstr($string);
/* ADODB converted
* function disconnect() {
* $this->println("disconnect");
* if(isset($this->database)){
* if($this->dbType == "mysql"){
* mysql_close($this->database);
* } else {
* $this->database->disconnect();
* }
* unset($this->database);
* }
* }
function disconnect() {
$this->println("ADODB disconnect");
if($this->dbType == "mysql"){
} else {
function setDebug($value)
$this->database->debug = $value;
// ADODB newly added methods
function createTables($schemaFile, $dbHostName=false, $userName=false, $userPassword=false, $dbName=false, $dbType=false)
$this->println("ADODB createTables ".$schemaFile);
if($dbHostName!=false) $this->dbHostName=$dbHostName;
if($userName!=false) $this->userName=$userPassword;
if($userPassword!=false) $this->userPassword=$userPassword;
if($dbName!=false) $this->dbName=$dbName;
if($dbType!=false) $this->dbType=$dbType;
//$db = ADONewConnection($this->dbType);
$db = $this->database;
//$db->debug = true;
//$this->println("ADODB createTables connect status=".$db->Connect($this->dbHostName, $this->userName, $this->userPassword, $this->dbName));
$schema = new adoSchema( $db );
//Debug Adodb XML Schema
$sehema->XMLS_DEBUG = TRUE;
//Debug Adodb
$sehema->debug = true;
$sql = $schema->ParseSchema( $schemaFile );
$this->println("--------------Starting the table creation------------------");
//integer ExecuteSchema ([array $sqlArray = NULL], [boolean $continueOnErr = NULL])
$result = $schema->ExecuteSchema( $sql, true );
print $db->errorMsg();
// needs to return in a decent way
$this->println("ADODB createTables ".$schemaFile." status=".$result);
return $result;
function createTable($tablename, $flds)
$this->println("ADODB createTable table=".$tablename." flds=".$flds);
//$dict = NewDataDictionary(ADONewConnection($this->dbType));
$dict = NewDataDictionary($this->database);
$sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL($tablename, $flds);
$result = $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray);
$this->println("ADODB createTable table=".$tablename." flds=".$flds." status=".$result);
return $result;
function alterTable($tablename, $flds, $oper)
$this->println("ADODB alterTableTable table=".$tablename." flds=".$flds." oper=".$oper);
//$dict = NewDataDictionary(ADONewConnection($this->dbType));
$dict = NewDataDictionary($this->database);
//$sqlarray = new Array();
if($oper == 'Add_Column')
$sqlarray = $dict->AddColumnSQL($tablename, $flds);
else if($oper == 'Delete_Column')
$sqlarray = $dict->DropColumnSQL($tablename, $flds);
$result = $dict->ExecuteSQLArray($sqlarray);
$this->println("ADODB alterTableTable table=".$tablename." flds=".$flds." oper=".$oper." status=".$result);
return $result;
function getColumnNames($tablename)
$this->println("ADODB getColumnNames table=".$tablename);
$adoflds = $this->database->MetaColumns($tablename);
//$colNames = new Array();
foreach($adoflds as $fld)
$colNames[$i] = $fld->name;
return $colNames;
function formatString($tablename,$fldname, $str)
//$this->println("ADODB formatString table=".$tablename." fldname=".$fldname." str=".$str);
$adoflds = $this->database->MetaColumns($tablename);
foreach ( $adoflds as $fld )
//$this->println("ADODB formatString adofld =".$fld->name);
//$this->println("ADODB formatString fldname=".$fldname." fldtype =".$fld->type);
$fldtype =strtoupper($fld->type);
if(strcmp($fldtype,'CHAR')==0 || strcmp($fldtype,'VARCHAR') == 0 || strcmp($fldtype,'VARCHAR2') == 0 || strcmp($fldtype,'LONGTEXT')==0 || strcmp($fldtype,'TEXT')==0)
//$this->println("ADODB return else normal");
return $this->database->Quote($str);
else if(strcmp($fldtype,'DATE') ==0 || strcmp($fldtype,'TIMESTAMP')==0)
return $this->formatDate($str);
return $str;
$this->println("format String Illegal field name ".$fldname);
return $str;
function formatDate($datetime)
//$db = ADONewConnection($this->dbType);
$db = &$this->database;
$date = $db->DBTimeStamp($datetime);
//if($db->dbType=='mysql') return $this->quote($date);
return $date;
function getDBDateString($datecolname)
$db = &$this->database;
$datestr = $db->SQLDate("Y-m-d, H:i:s" ,$datecolname);
return $datestr;
function getUniqueID($seqname)
global $log;
if( $this->dbType == "pgsql") {
$keytab = $this->database->MetaPrimaryKeys($seqname);
if( count( $keytab) > 0) {
$log->info("PearDatabase: Postgres getUniqueID hack: ".$seqname."_".$keytab[0]."_seq");
return $this->database->GenID($seqname."_".$keytab[0]."_seq",1);
} else {
$log->info("PearDatabase: Problem: getUniqueID but no key for '$seqname'");
return $this->database->GenID($seqname."_seq",1);
function get_tables()
$result = & $this->database->MetaTables('TABLES');
return $result;
} /* End of class */
$adb = new PearDatabase();
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