[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger contribution question

Jens Hamisch jens at Strawberry.COM
Wed May 2 23:54:27 PDT 2007

Hi Enrico,

my fixes adress syntactical postgres support only. However
yours also seems to improove performance. Is there any chance
to have both fixes implemented (@don,richie)?


On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 04:36:53AM +0200, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
> * Jorge Torres <jorge.torres.maldonado at gmail.com> schrieb:
> Hi,
> > Since it is now clear that postgres is supported, the only thing would be
> > about Enrico's opinion of adb->query_results being resource wasting, which
> > is very important regardless of mysql or postgres use,  Enrico,  what are
> > you doing instead of using the query_results method?
> As already said: introduced some new functions, which fetch either 
> one record (run_query_record() and run_query_field()) or all records
> (run_query_allrecords() and run_query_list()) and simply return the data.
> There are several result types:
> a) just one scalar:	-> run_query_field($query,$fieldname)
> 			    --> returns an scalar
> b) just one record:	-> run_query_record($query)
> 			    --> returns an associative array
> c) an list of scalars	-> run_query_list($query,$fieldname)
> 			    --> returns an array/list of scalars
> d) an list of records:	-> run_query_allreords($query)
> 			    --> returns an array/list of ass. arrays
> cu
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service
>   phone:     +49 36207 519931         www:       http://www.metux.de/
>   fax:       +49 36207 519932         email:     contact at metux.de
>   cellphone: +49 174 7066481
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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     SSSSSSSSS       Am Flosskanal 7            Jens Hamisch
   SSSSSSSSSSSSS     D-82515 Wolfratshausen     Geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO
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   SSSSSSSSSSSSS     Geschaeftsfuehrer/CEO      
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