[Vtigercrm-developers] A happy day for PHP

Dirk Gorny Dirk.Gorny at Genion.de
Wed Mar 7 00:26:15 PST 2007

Am Dienstag, 6. März 2007 schrieb Brian Laughlin:
> I've been keeping an eye out and see that this product is soon to be
> released.
> http://www.codegear.com/Products/Delphi/DelphiforPHP/tabid/237/Default.a
> spx

A nice tool, but it is for developing Web applications.
Vtiger has to become a Business application, so there are not only 
requirements for a rapid visual development and debugging. Because of PHP 
does not have generic structures for business applications and no extentions, 
like Rational Rose Data Modeler you have to build all what is a standard in 
J2EE, given as a benefit from then, by yourself.
This is the work, should be done. And if you do so, you will get many free 
tools like Eclipse and its extentions.
Riding another death horse (Delphi) is only a new handicap.
With OMG I full aree if you mean http://www.omg.org. Standardised objects are 
half the battle.

Best regards,


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