[Vtigercrm-developers] New patch for utf-8 characters (ticket 2876)

René Herrmann rene.herrmann at gmx.ch
Mon Feb 19 06:00:52 PST 2007

Hi all, I made some modifications to my vtiger version 5.0.2, I hope
you can review this and maybe check it in:
(sorry for posting this here but I do not have access to the bug-tracker)

Issue: corrupt downloads of huge zips (like 50MB for example)  on IE
6.0/7.0 or Mozilla and wrong filenames (like index.php instead of
file1.zip). By the way I put the filepath into a session variable
instead of the whole file content (50MB and more caused some problems
for a session variable).

If you like, I could check this in by myself. I have some more changes
I like to comit too, which we can discuss.

Thank you,
René Herrmann

/support/index.php (do the same for /modules/uploads/downloads.php)
Some additional headers fix this (by the way I also put the filepath
into a session variable):
        if($_REQUEST['downloadfile'] == 'true')
            $filename = $_REQUEST['filename'];
            $fileType = $_REQUEST['filetype'];
            $fileid = $_REQUEST['fileid'];
            $filesize = $_REQUEST['filesize'];

            $contentname = $fileid.'_filecontents';
            //$fileContent = $_SESSION[$contentname];
            $filesize = $_REQUEST['filesize'];

            // ### REH, Jan 2007
            //$filepath = base64_decode($_REQUEST['filepath']);
             $filepath = $_SESSION[$contentname];

            //$filepath = $_REQUEST['filepath'];

            //header('"Content-Disposition: attachment;
            // ## REH, Jan 2007
            // These headers make the filename available to IE which
makes troubles
            header("Content-Description: PHP Generated Data");

            header('Expires: 0');
            header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
            header('Pragma: public');
            header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
            header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
            header("Content-Type: application/download");
            //header("Content-length: $filesize");
            //header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$filename.'"');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');
            header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

            $fileContent = fread(fopen($filepath, "r"), $filesize);


I put the filepath into a session variable:
    //Get the attachments list and form in the tr tag
    $files_array = getTicketAttachmentsList($ticketid);

    $attachments_count = count($files_array);
            $filename = $files_array[$j]['filename'];
            $filetype = $files_array[$j]['filetype'];
            $filesize = $files_array[$j]['filesize'];
            $fileid = $files_array[$j]['fileid'];
            $filecontents = $files_array[$j]['filecontents'];
            $contentname = $fileid.'_filecontents';
            // ### new return value, REH, Jan 2007
            $filepath = '../'.$files_array[$j]['filepath'];

            // ### Putting the filecontent into the Session is nonsense
            //$_SESSION[$contentname] = $filecontents;
            // We take the filepath instead
            $_SESSION[$contentname] = $filepath;

            //To display the attachments title
            $attachments_title = '';
            if($j == 0)
                $attachments_title = '<b>Attachment(s) : </b>';
            $list .= '
                <td class="dvtCellLabel"
                <td class="dvtCellInfo" colspan="3">

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