[Vtigercrm-developers] buggy mouseout's

John Ogness vtiger at ogness.net
Fri Feb 2 12:50:07 PST 2007


I am quite new to vtiger, but have started using it for various
projects. One thing that was bothering me was the buggy mouseout's for
the main menu's and the "allmenu" button. (I only tried it with Firefox
and Safari. It might not be as buggy on other browsers.)

To make vtiger comfortably usable, I made some minor UI changes:

- removed all mouseout's for "allmenu"
- removed all mouseout's for menu items
- changed menus to close only when opening a new menu

Although there are certainly better, more modern ways to handle these
popups, I felt that this quickfix greatly improved the comfort of the
UI. The attach patch is based on the 5.0.2 release. Feel free to use it
or toss it. ;)

John Ogness
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