[Vtigercrm-developers] 5.0.1, 5.1 releases

Jens Hamisch jens at Strawberry.COM
Wed Sep 20 23:34:29 PDT 2006


On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 09:38:44AM -0700, Richie wrote:
> Well, my thought process is something like this :- 
> I am sure some of you are working on your own branches and would like some features to be made part of the trunk. I had in mind that these specific contributions could be accomodated in 5.1 ie these can be made part of the 5.1 release. 

I'm currently working on a (major?) feature upgrade: multiple organization support
and organization units. IMHO this will be completed in a couple of days.
To check in I'd prefer to create some feature branch, request the community for retest
ans suggestions and to merge it back into the trunk as soon sa possible.

-- Jens

 +##+|##+   STRAWBERRY                     Jens Hamisch
+v#+v v##+  EDV-Systeme GmbH               Managing director
/ v    v\v
| . .  . |  Waldeckstr. 9a                 Car (Voice):  (+49 172) 81 04 162
|     .  |  D-82515 Wolfratshausen         Voice:        (+49 8171) 41805-0
 | .     |                                 Fax:          (+49 8171) 41805-59
 \   .  /   Tel.: (+49 8171) 41805-0       Email:        jens at Strawberry.COM
  \____/    Strawberry at Strawberry.COM      

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