[Vtigercrm-developers] vtigercrm5 released

Allan Bush allan.bush+vtiger_dev at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 12:17:09 PDT 2006


It depends on how you have everything setup on your end though.

The easiest would be if the copy you have was checked out from SVN and
you've made some local modifications.  Then simply run "svn update"
and watch for conflicts as your changes are merged.

Otherwise you can merge the changes in 2 different ways: merge your
changes against 5.0-RC into 5.0 or merge the changes from 5.0-RC to
5.0 into you custom build.  It's generally easier to merge whichever
is the smallest set of changes.

5.0-RC was tagged from the trunk at revision 8964 and 5.0 was tagged
from the trunk at revision 9528.

Option 1:
Get a diff of everything between those two revisions:
svn diff -r8964:9528
http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/trunk >
then use "patch" to merge those changes into your current build.

Option 2:
Export the 5.0-RC release:
svn export http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/tags/vtigercrm-5.0.0-rc
and run "diff" against your current changes:
diff -Naurb vtigercrm-5.0.0-rc vitgercrm_custom_build >
then checkout the 5.0 release (or just download it) and use "patch" to
merge your customizations.

Either way you'll also want to lookout for any database changes from
5.0-RC to 5.0 and apply those manually to your database.  I'm not
certain what's changed there, but the vtiger team promised an upgrade
path so there should be a script somewhere to help with that.

On 9/15/06, Dennis Grant <dgrant at accuratetechnologies.com> wrote:
> So can anybody give me any pointers about how to grab the new release from
> SVN and synch up my repository with my patches?
> DG
>  ________________________________
> From: Tim Smith [mailto:smith.timsmith at gmail.com]
>  Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 2:33 PM
>  To: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
>  Subject: Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] vtigercrm5 released
> Agreed.
> On 9/15/06, Allan Bush <allan.bush+vtiger_dev at gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree Tim, I only advocated moving bugs from a version of 5.0-RC
>  because it's an interim release and unsupported at this time.
>  The milestone is the release the bug is going to be fix in, obviously
>  any unfix bugs with a milestone of 5.0 have missed the boat at this
>  point and their milestone should be reassigned so that you know when
>  you can expect a fix for those issues.
> _______________________________________________
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