[Vtigercrm-developers] merging the wikis

Jeff Kowalczyk jtk at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 8 09:16:41 PDT 2006

Richie wrote:
> Now we have 2 wikis in place namely,
> http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki and wiki.vtiger.com . I
> propose that we merge these into 1 wiki only.

-1 on merging wikis. Actually, that's a -1 for not using trac for
development documentation.

The trac instance should be the single-stop-shop information source for
the development process and codebase, written to an intended audience of
developers, system integrators and testing users.

The vtiger.com wiki can have free reign over the usability and end-user
documentation side of vtigercrm as far as I'm concerned.

That said, if we someday have integrated documentation throughout the
codebase (e.g. copious online help and code comments), then there's a lot
that various trac plugins could do to auto-wikify that codebase


With trac's strong codebase integration, I don't think it is the case that
mediawiki could be useful to the vtiger developer community. Mediawiki may
be more appropriate for the end-user documentation.

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