[Vtigercrm-developers] [PATCH] - Signifigant Revamp to Quotes PDF file export

Dennis Grant dgrant at accuratetechnologies.com
Fri Sep 1 10:24:48 PDT 2006

Here is a patch against vanilla 5.0_RC 

This adds all (except one) of our extensions to the PDF version of the
Quote, while still retaining the new look and feel.


1) 	Shows new fields Date Issued, Prepared For, Prepared By
2) 	Logo graphic is scaled (allows use of higher resolution logos
for 	better print quality)
3)	Layout of Company Name, Billing Address, and Shipping Address
reformatted for cleaner look
4)	Column headers print bold
5) 	Smaller font size for less cluttered look
6)	Columns now Qty, Part No, Product Name, List Price, Unit Price,
Tax, 	Total (makes more sense laid out this way)
7)	Page number includes total number of pages (page 1/3 etc)
8)	If present in database, global terms and conditions are printed
out as 	an annex to the quote (ours span 2 pages...)
9)	Comments on parts now print above the line item in the Product
Name 	column, formatted bold & underline. This allows the sales people
to 	create subgroups within the quote, using the comment as a
subgroup 	header - great for doing packages, etc. (this, in
concert with 	preserving the print order was the most requested
feature I had)

Try it out - you'll like it!



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