[Vtigercrm-developers] Looking for testers for a create quote bug (with both attachments this time)

Andy Rodes arodes at aircanopy.net
Tue Feb 21 16:30:45 PST 2006

hello all ... This is my first post here, but talking with Mike on IRC he
suggested I post a small change I made to a couple of files here for testing
before including it in 4.2.4.

Basically, you cannot create a quote from the potential screen in 4.2.x

Here is the test case:
Navigate to potential screen via potential tab click
Drilldown on a potential from the returned list by clicking on the potential
name (not sure If it matters, but the potentials I tested from were created
from the lead screen -> convert to potential process)
The system takes you to the potential detail view
Scroll down to the Quotes section
Click "New Quote" button
System takes you to a new quote detail view and defaults the account name
and defaults the potential name
NOTE: today, the contact name is not brought over from the potential. This
should probably be addressed in the future, but is not a bug, but is more of
a new feature
Fill in the required fields: Subject, billing address, shipping address
Hit the Save button at the bottom of the form.

Expected result:

The system should save the quote, and return you to the detail potential
screen where you can now see the quote listed in the quotes section under
the potential.

In 4.2.3 ... It appears to the user that the quote was created, but it never
shows up on the potential screen nor in the list of all quotes via the
quotes tab

Summary of Code Changes:


Changed the function getHiddenValues($id) to default the contact id to ''
rather then the passed in $id since the passed in $id is the $id of the
potential, NOT the contact 


Added a check for incoming field values such that if the field name looks
like a foreign key, we set the value to 'null' rather then just '' due to a
mysql need.TODO: would be nice to make this more resilient to actually
figure out if a column is a FK rather then just using some light logic like
I am doing here.

I attached the 2 files with my changes here. You can simply drop them into
the correct folders as I listed above to test them. Also, I delta's the
files against what is showing up in the current 4.2.4
(http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/branches/4.2/) and my
changes are the only ones that I saw so no merging should be needed at this

Also .. I don't know the regression testing process, but it seems that
saving quotes in general might need to be regression tested since I changed
that file.

Andrew Rodes
Onweald Inc.
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