[Vtigercrm-developers] SVN Directory and File Names

Brian Devendorf developer at infointegrated.com
Mon Feb 20 17:14:46 PST 2006

I currently do my development on Mac OS X. A recent change to the svn  
for the branch added an INSTALL file. Now I am getting an error on  
checkout, the error mentions that it cannot get the file "INSTALL" as  
there is already a directory "install". It then stops the checkout,  
not getting all of the files.

I am not too familiar with svn. Is there a way I can prevent this  
error? Or can the INSTALL file name be changed (INSTALL.txt or  
INSTALLATION) to prevent the conflict? I was able to successfully  
checkout before the INSTALL file was created.

Is it strange that svn is having conflicts when the case is  
different, and Mac OS X is Unix-based (thus case-sensitive)? I am  
running svn v1.3.0.

I can still checkout on Windows, but I really prefer the Mac. This  
may cause a problem for others who want to assist as well.

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