[Vtigercrm-developers] more forum admins

Gopal gopals at vtiger.com
Mon Aug 21 00:53:30 PDT 2006


Welcome to Dino Eberle (eberled), Aissa Belaid (aissa),Matthew Brichacek (mmbrich), and Ken Lyle (kenlyle) to the vtigerForums Moderation Board!

As a forum moderator you have theprivileges to move posts to the relevant sub forums, delete duplicate &spam posts and move the important posts to vtiger Wiki available at:


Please let me know if anyone interested to join hands with me and streamline the vtiger communication channels. 

By the way, Radiant and Myself working on centralizing vtigeractivities across the sites, such as vtige.com, forums, forge, trac/SVN, Wiki, and blogs. Looking forward for your suggestions to make this operation successful.

skype: sripadag
ph: +1 877 788 4437
blog: http://gopal.vtiger.com

---- On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 Richie <richie at vtiger.com> wrote ---- 


Off late, the number of posts have gone way beyond manageability of a couple of guys.
We are getting close to a 100 posts/day.
We need at least 5 more guys to handle the load too.

We are sending requests for more forum admins.
Some of the frequent posters are being sent the privileges so that they can track 
the activities on the forums and moderate them. 
It will be great if the forum admins could identify what all need to belong
to the wiki, what to the forge and what to the forums. 

The forum admins will have all the access requirements that are needed to do the job

This is being done so that we can have a much more open system.
I feel this will also lead to a higher sense of engagement and ownership with vtiger.

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